Recent Publications
- For the Love of Jazz - short story (reprint) - You're Not Alone - December 2014
- What I've Seen With Your Eyes - Upgraded - anthology, Wyrm Publishing - September 2014
- The Long Happy Death of Oxford Brown - Asimov's - novelette - February 2014
- This Petty Pace - Asimov's - short story - October/November 2011
- When Dreams Wake - short story - Bullspec Magazine - Upcoming
- The Architect of Heaven - short story - Clarkesworld Magazine - May 2011
- The Long Fall - novelette - Grantville Gazette - Universe Annex - September 2010
- Brief Candle - short story - Clarkesworld Magazine - November 2009
anthology - Clarkesworld: Year Four - August 2013 - The Singers of Rhodes - novella - Panverse One - anthology, Panverse Publishing - November 2009
- More Things in Heaven and Earth - short story - Triangulation: Dark Glass - anthology, PARSEC Ink - July 2009
- Inside Job - short story - Issue #42 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
- The Magic of Science - short story - March 2009 issue of New Myths
- Johnny Plays 'Round Saturns Rings - short story - December 2008 issue of Jim Baen's Universe
- The Quantiversal Coefficient of Fate - short story - Electric Spec - Volume 3, Issue 3 (November 2008)
- Strings Attached - short story - Satirica - anthology - August 2008
- For the Love of Jazz - short story - Cosmos Magazine - October/November 2007
- The Calculus of Destiny - short story - Atomjack Magazine - August 2007