One Up, One Down - Tangent Online and IRoSF
I should have mentioned earlier Maggie Jamison's review of Panverse One over at the revitalized Tangent Online. It's great to see TO up and about. Hopefully it will thrive. Dave Truesdale tells me he has a bunch of reviewers lined up from around the globe, which should provide a broad array of backgrounds and opinions.
Meanwhile, it looks like we'll be bidding a sad farewell to The Internet Review of Science Fiction. It's a shame, because I've really enjoyed IRoSF. Further, if Lois Tilton's online fiction review column doesn't find a new home, it will be a real loss to the SF market. There just aren't that many places that are reviewing the non-print publications anymore. Which is doubly strange, since the number of pro-rate online pubs is growing steadily, despite the loss of Jim Baen's Universe.