Downloadable Versions of THE HERETIC

If you're looking for downloadable eBook editions of The Heretic. The editions produced by the fine community at MobileRead are the only ones out there that were produced with my permission. My thanks go out to Jon Wolf for crafting and formatting them with his usual care and attention to detail.
If you're not familiar with MobileRead, you're probably not an eBook reader. The site is built around a community of readers. Not only are they among the most voracious devourers of the written word I've ever known, they also care about writers, books, and the legalities of digital publishing, so don't go there hoping to find unauthorized scans of recent releases (or discussions of how to get them).
MobileRead folks don't just stop at the dedicated eBook devices. They'll find ways to read on anything--cell phones, PDAs, and even one watch/PDA/mobile-computing-device combination. If you want news and updates about upcoming eBook reading devices, the digital publishing industry, new formats, new software, MobileRead is the place to go.
Okay--the commercial is over. Here are the links you came here for. Download THE HERETIC in:
- Mobipocket/PRC format (Personally, I use Mobipocket reader to read on my Blackberry Curve, but you can also use it on the iRex iLiad, Bookeen Cybook, Amazon Kindle, and many, many others.)
- Sony Reader/LRF format (I do most of my reading on my Sony Reader PRS-500)
- IMP format/REB 1200/eBookWise 1150 (Read more about the IMP format and FictionWise's sister company eBookWise)